Monday, June 27, 2011

Who won my Blog Candy?

Good morning crafty friends! Hope you had a great weekend, I know I did. It rained little and that's a HUGE bonus! Ofcourse as we were out the door to see our towns July 4th fireworks display it just had to sprinkle....but at least it wasn't a downpour and we enjoyed the evening. Do you ever grow to old for fireworks? Our town does them the weekend before the holiday and all the surrounding towns do theirs on different nights. It's nice. You can get in your car and see numerous displays if your heart desires to do so!
Okay so I was going to announce my blog candy winner chosen by Random. Org. Drum roll please.....Mr Random chose comment #16
"Jamie said... 16 Liked you on facebook!" out her blog and tell her Kathie sent you!

Congratulations Jamie and thank you for "liking me" on Facebook. An email has gone out to you!
So I am off to enjoy another summer day in the Catskills. I have been busy working on a project for Michaels. Our Michaels here in Kingston is having a celebration of the opening of their Craft Cove -their craft room remodeled. It is just adorable might I add. Terry there did such an awesome job. If you live close by please do check it out. The party is next Saturday at the Kingston Michaels 9-4PM. There will be make and takes,treats-all sorts of great happenings, so be sure to stop by. Don't forget to tell your friends about the Scrapbooking Classes I will be teaching there. How can you beat $25,00 for a month's worth of lessons.
Here is a sneak preview of the beginnings of my story board for the event Saturday:
Can anyone guess the theme of the party Saturday? Aren't they adorable? When I complete the board I will share.
Enjoy your week everyone! OH!! Hey I am nearing 300 Fantabulous followers! Yikes....I'm going to have to be thinking of a big giveaway very soon!! Stay tuned for more details!

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will"~ George Bernard Shaw

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh! So cute! I love the paperdolls!

    Hey stop by my blog, I am giving away a Mickey & Friends Cricut Cartridge to one lucky follower and another prize to the follower's friend.


I love comments from my sweet peeps!